So, what do you do at Ariad?

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Alaina Ferretti Brand and Marketing Manager
Alaina Ferretti
  • 03 min. reading
  • Workplace

It seems like such an easy question to answer: we comprehensively consult on digital strategy and projects, and build solutions with our extensive team of experts. But really, we do a lot more.

Like many others, we have coffee and meetings, and are constantly competing to find the best GIF. We also take part formally and informally in a variety of different activities and events throughout the year. The list is always growing and changing, but here are some of the highlights:

Team building activities you actually want to do

Regular team building events are held several times each year, usually close to one of our three offices in Brussels, Madrid and Almería. Since we work from different locations, with flexible schedules and remote working options, it is quite possible that you collaborate with teammates every day without ever being in the same room. As a team, we really value these team building events--not only for the cool activities, but to connect with our team in a different setting, and IRL.

Team meeting playing with Lego's


Our most recent team building was held last January in Belgium, bringing together our three offices for three days. We got constructing with Lego Serious Play and creatively defined our company’s values for the future… and built a lot of towers. Between hands-on skill development workshops, we faced crazy VR challenges as a team and learned about its future in recruiting. We also toured the local Stella Artois brewery ...when in Brussels, right? In the past we’ve also been kayaking, gone hiking, done wine tastings, and more.

A different flavor in each city

Between these events, our teams often organize other activities, like barbeques and tapas nights...muchos tapas nights. Each office has different hobbies. In Belgium, we started a running club that trains and participates in races together. In Almería, we have a pretty competitive darts league.

As a company, we also make an effort to support local charities. Our Brussels-based teammates recently participated in the Warmathon, and our next focus is helping the NGO Armentekort vzw.

Someone playing a VR game
A girl hiking


Ways to learn, grow, and connect

A lot of our activities are focused on learning and development. We’re enthusiastic learners (which may be another name for nerds) who love to share the newest thing we’re excited about. We have a comprehensive program of internal training events, broader community knowledge sharing sessions, and expert talks. Teaching each other seemed obvious with our deep internal knowledge and highly skilled network of expert consultants. We also regularly attend industry events like conferences and meetups.

For a closer look into what we do, our instagram shares a behind-the-scene take on what we’re up to. If you’re interested in joining us, get in touch to learn about available opportunities, or consider becoming one of our consultants. We even put together a guide to show you what it’s like working as a consultant at Ariad, and how you can become one.

People at a conference


Thinking about consulting? Read our e-book on becoming a consultant with Ariad!

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